The Fastest Zipline Ever (Almost)

BurningRock Zip line
The entrance to some family fun at the Burning Rock Outdoor Adventure Park.
Cool shirts. Plus, they put on a great soccer camp

As a rental cabin owner guy, you get certain perks. This is a post about one of them.

Burning Rock Outdoor Adventure Park had invited The Opossum Creek Retreat Adventure Team ™ (that’s us) to test drive their Brand New Dual racing Zip line.

Having been a stranger in a strange land, I know it can make you do strange things. So I asked the coaches from our kid’s soccer camp, Challenger Sports (all from England) if they would like to peg the adrenaline meter with us on a zip line and they said “Yep we’re in!” And then they immediately said, “What’s a zip line?”

Thanks to Burning Rock’s hospitality they said yea, bring on the Brits too!

The Burning Rock zipline is always safety first.

There is something really great about taking people outside their comfort zone; when you do, it’s easier for everybody to just laugh out loud at themselves and at each other.  Just another great thing about living in the mountains

Burning Rock has the fastest, longest zipline east of the Rockies, and I’ll say this about it: it feels like you’re flying.

View from top of Burningrock zip line over looking camp ground ATV track ready for burning rocks 2500 foot zip line.

Personally, I think it could be longer and faster.  Hey, Woody (Duba, Burning Rock GM): I know you have a spot picked out. Go bigger next time, huh? (People say my sarcasm is endearing).

What else can you say?  If you like speed, and thrills, and doing things you’ve never done before, and West Virginia, then this is for you.  If you don’t like that stuff, you should probably stay home.  Or maybe watch it on youtube.

What’s also cool about Burning Rock is the 8000-or-so acres and 100+ miles of West Virginia ATV trails.  I’m not a huge ATV guy, but I like to ride every now and then, and I think it’s going to be a blast to take my kids.

In the past, we had sent guests down to the Hatfield-McCoy Trail System, which is a pretty cool place in its own right.  But it was a fairly long drive to get there, and the system down there is actually several different trail systems, all connected together.  Burning Rock is more of a one stop shop.  Rentals, guides, gear… everything you need.

I’m definitely looking forward to what Opossum Creek Retreat guests have to say about it.  Almost as much as I’m looking forward to going back myself.

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