
Once in awhile, you get to see something special.

PsicoRoc was something very special. You can tell by looking at me, I don’t climb. I do, do events. Not bragging, just saying, I have helped put on some cool events. And I only say that to say, I know a really outstanding one when I see it.

PsicoRoc was outstanding.

Hats and shirts and shoes— let’s stop there— off to all the volunteers of NRAC (New River Alliance of Climbers) for making this happen. From the happy people serving food and drinks on the flotilla:

To the local sponsors:

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To the National sponsors:

To the Army Corp of engineers for being open minded!

To the athletes— some of the best in the world!

Did I mention the countless volunteer hours that NRAC has poured into this in a rather selfless attempt to help focus the spotlight on West Virginia, and the world-class destination it is?

Thank you all for taking part in what you have to know was a very special event.

Thank you NRAC for being special!

Out of my comfort zone?

What is better than a costume party?

Sock Monkey. Tuxedo. Both costume wins.

No, really, it is hard to make a party any better than starting with costumes and dressing up. It’s like Halloween in June.

But there are a few things that really made this day in one of America’s “Coolest Small Towns” even better.

Start with a town full of happy people. (Back in the day I could have used the word “gay” in place of happy, but it has been taken over to mean other things.)

Add: puppies!

So many Sock Monkeys!

Add: a WWII Biplane. A giant Sock Monkey and some dude in a tux.
Add: lots of kids, Kids are shameless when it comes to putting on a costume. When do we lose that?
Add: a skydiver.
Add: a film crew. You are going to want to share the fantastic images later.
Add: perfect weather.
Add: some bikes, trikes, roller blades, longboards, and anything else that moves

Add: more Sock Monkeys.

Next, have everyone run around a lot, laughing, smiling, screaming, and yelling. Then…

Dance! Dance in the streets while the police block traffic for you! You will have to watch the video for this part.

What a great way to spend the afternoon. It reminds me what a lucky bunch we are. Humans, that is.

Out of my comfort zone?

No not at all. You?

All the puppies joined the party!

Climbing Camp? Seriously?

Yes, I have rental cabins in the New River Gorge.  Also, I’m a dad.

Here’s some quotes from an exchange I had with my kids last week:

Climbing camp?  Wait… you want me to pay so you can sleep in a tent just a few miles from home and climb?

@#$%$%  You can do that in our back yard for free! Seriously.  There’s a cliff right back there- go climb on it.  You can sleep under the over hang were the neighbors used to keep the milk cow.  And then you’ll still have time to get some chores done.

Now that I hear myself say it, I can see why he wants to go to camp again.

Let the fun begin for Teen Climbing Camp

Our son is a repeat at the camp only because he loved it enough to put up some of his own money to pay for it. Coming from a 12 year old boy, that’s an endorsement!

It’s too late to get your kids here for this year, but you should start looking into it for next year. Stone cold (climbing pun) pros run the camp with years of experience and training. Both girls and boys of all ablity  levels attend. The kids actually “camp” IE in a tent and make meals over a fire. They do have showers and bathrooms at the camp ground. Each day involves way more than climbing.

If you’re interested (and you should be) check out the camp’s web site and Rock your kids world (another climbing pun). You can also see lots of pics on their facebook page.

Okay, time to come clean: this is not a totally selfless pitch for the camp.

The idea is that, while your kids are at climbing camp you might want to enjoy some vacation time in our area, and stay at one of our cabins.

There. I didn’t want to have to spell it out like that, but doesn’t that sound like a great plan? Sunday afternoon, drop the kids off at camp and then go check into the cabin KID FREE.

Cameron helping counselor Leah and Kurt load safety gear

I don’t mean to sound over excited about it but, well, to me, that sounds exciting. Our own kids camps are all opposite weeks this year so we are not KID FREE at any point this summer. Can you believe it?!

I am going to have to work on that for next year. Even if you are not bringing your kids to climbing camp you might want to find time to get away KID FREE some time soon.  Seriously.  I know I do.

I hope my wife reads this.

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