The B__________ are coming!

The B__________ are coming! The B__________ are coming!

IMG_0159Well, that is very patriotic of you, and yes, it is that time of year, too. But I am talking BLUEBERRIES!

Yes, it is Blueberry Month! I prefer mine small, tart and wild, like the ones from my youth. (Yes, still talking blueberries.)

I can recall stopping on the side of the road wanting to buy one of those funky rake picker things from the family selling berries. It is a specialty tool used when picking or harvesting wild blueberries. (Did you just salivate? I did.)

They are the real prize, those low, tiny bushes high on a ridge in some wild place. How the berries pack so much into such a small package is one of the wonders of Nature! Alas, completely unattainable for most of us. Don’t despair.

“You pick” farms to the rescue! We have couple in our area, and wow are they Ossum! You really ought to plan a morning while you are here in Blueberry Month to pick, and pick and pick. Take a pick-a-nic: spend some time in blueberry field eating, picking and talking about blueberries

I understand why most of these places grow the big fat juicy sweet ones. Hmm… that kind of describes me, too. We even planted hybrids in our garden. They are great. Big tall bushes, no stooping necessary. You can fill a bucket in no time, and they freeze perfectly, or make great preserves and crumbles, even pies. Well, sort of. I mean, it’s a great pie, but if you ever get the chance to pick those teeny tiny wild berries way up north, high on a ridge, and manage to get enough back to the kitchen, then make a pie!

Have you been blueberry picking? 

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