If you won’t vote to help your kids, your grandkids, your friends’ kids or friends’ grandkids (or even your neighbor who you don’t even like’s kids!), to get a better education and a leg up in one of the poorest parts of the USA… What will you vote for?
Everyone in Fayette County: get out to vote “YES” to the School Bond!

Yes, it is personal! We are at the point of the spear. No matter how you measure education, WV is 49th or 50th. We are dead last! And Fayette County is 50-something out of 55 in WV!
That makes us a contender for worst school system in the USA, and this simple act can fix that. Voting— yes, the act of voting— can fix education for the most deserving and most in need in our great land.
Education can save us from ruin. Denying us education can only ensure it.
I know it is not just Fayette County, West Virginia, that is suffering this plight. But I also know we are far worse off than most. We as a country cannot go on under-funding education.
Ignorance is not freedom.
Freedom is being able to choose wisely, and not only in your own self-interest.
Will you help our county’s kids?