New Year cats!
We have a pair, and we are willing to share.
Over the years, we have given homes to several strays that have found their way to OCR.
There is the cat Bear who now lives in Pennsylvania, another cute kitten now living in Florida, and a whole litter of puppies that showed up during the New River Birding and Nature Festival, and were an instant hit when they headed off to their new homes in every direction. And that’s just to name a few.
Then these 2 furry creatures appeared.
They were weak, fragile and friendly. I was soft, and the crew was very convincing. We took them to the vet and looked them up online, and discovered that they’re a very rare breed— the Korat.

These cats are given (never sold) as a traditional wedding gift for good luck in Thailand. They are now happy, healthy and strong, thanks to the help from the crew.
The sad part:
We now know that these cats are lovers. They crave human attention, much more than we can provide. Our pair are playful as puppies, ‘talkative,’ come when called, and love lots of affection. They need a home with a person or family that they can love on everyday.
What better way to start the new year than with new friends?
This is not a desperate act. We love the cats and will keep them. But if a home is out there, we are willing to give you our good luck charms.
Give me a call.