I want to go! To the Summit!
They had me at food vendors. Plus sampler-size versions of most of the activities, lots of logo gear, a concert Saturday and a huge fireworks show!

Besides, my Grampa B was a big-time scouter, and my Uncle Scott is an Eagle Scout. I think they would like it if I went. I was a scout, too, but I do not still fit in my uniform.
Just so you know, the Boy Scouts of America had to win me over to try again. I was really uninspired after the drive through that I tortured the family with a few weeks back.
The Summit let a bunch (1,200 cars) drive through for a tour. The line stretched forever— bumper to bumper traffic. It took us 4 hours to drive through. There was virtually no explanation of what you were looking at. What you could see was not finished, and, frankly, the place looked like a bomb site. My cousin Katie said, “Are they studying Mud?”
Don’t get me wrong. I have been cheerleading for this from the start.
I am sure it will look very different in a few days when they open the gates on the 2013 National Jamboree. I know how things tend to come together at the last minute, having had that phenomenon play out with every cabin we built. Deadlines work.
That said, I really want to see how it will be different on game day. What we learned after the first tour is much of the “under construction” stuff is not scheduled to be ready for this Jamboree. I am sure they got more grass to sprout and cover up the mud.
I am betting that the pain of the last trip has been forgotten by my teenage son, and I can dupe him into making a day of it, and even talk a couple of his buddies into joining us. My wife will not be swayed, and our daughter is out of town at camp. The boys and I will sample as much stuff as they will let us, eat “fair food,” and maybe stay for the concert and fireworks. That sounds like a great day.
We are definitely thrilled about one aspect of the Jamboree: the scouts will be doing “the largest service project ever undertaken” while they are here. Service work is good stuff. We do it, and we love the idea that a lot of good work will be done through the service projects. Wolf Creek Park will get some love from a few troops. We actually helped develop the programing by volunteering ourselves, and will be there again when they show up to cut trail and build boardwalk.
We have been invested in this event from the beginning and are cheering and helping to make it a success.
I will be there with bells on as a volunteer and a visitor. From these viewpoints, I will see firsthand how OSSUM it is, and fill you in.